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Roe buck caller: Perfectly equipped for roe buck hunt

Next to the hunting rifle, the deer blatter is the hunter's most important tool in the roe buck season. But the choice is huge. Here are some tips on what to look for when buying a blatter.

Choosing the right caller

The choice of the right reed is mainly influenced by the conditions in the hunting area. In addition, it is important to choose the reed instrument according to its usability and playing difficulty.

1. The place of the reed

The place of battening and the point of view of the desired buck is particularly decisive in the choice of the reed instrument.

If the buck's entrance is not far away, a soft tone should be played. It is also practical if the roe buck call can be played freehand and attached to a cord around the neck. This makes it possible to stay in tune and play the reed at the same time. In addition, the reed instrument can, if necessary, simply be dropped from the mouth without making loud noises.

If the buck stands further away, a louder roe buck call is the better choice. Especially if the buck is standing by a female piece, the reed instrument must be able to produce a powerful sound. Here, however, a strap for the neck is not decisive. Even a locker, which has to be played with both hands, is no problem. Because of the greater distances, there is more time to put the roe buck call aside.

2. Usability of the different deer blades

The usability of the deer blade also plays a role in the purchase decision. Depending on the state of the rut, certain calls work better or worse. The leaf instrument should therefore be chosen according to the time of the rut.

  1. Bleeping
    Bleeping imitates the call of a rutting female. This call is more successful later in the rut, as there are fewer rutting bucks.

  2. Sprengfiep
    Sprengfiep is the sound a female makes when driven by a buck. This then attracts a competing buck.

  3. Cry of fear
    The cry of fear is similar to the blast-beep. It is made by the female when she is strongly harassed by a buck.

  4. Kitzfiep
    The Kitzfiep is used when the buck is standing by a leading goat. The goat stands towards the kitzfiep and the buck follows behind.

3. The difficulty of playing roe buck call

Some leaf instruments are not so easy to handle and can only be mastered after a longer period of practice. Especially as a beginner, you should therefore choose a roe buck call that is easy to use. This way, even inexperienced young hunters can quickly achieve success.

With a little experience, more advanced reed instruments are also no problem. However, these often require a lot of practice. Therefore, you should only blow on the buck when you have perfected the desired lure calls via video and audio files.

Besides the roe buck call, the right camouflage and a suitable target stick are also part of the roe buck hunt equipment for a successful roe buck hunt.