Duck hunting equipment

When duck hunting, the right accessories often determine success or failure. Whether duck decoys, decoy ducks or camouflage for hunters and hunting dogs: We have summarised for you what you need for successful duck hunting.
Modern equipment for duck hunting: All this is part of it
Modern and contemporary duck hunting no longer leaves much to chance.
Nowadays, the hunter's contours and movements are concealed by special hunting clothing with modern camouflage patterns . Gone are the days when you had to hide under the densest bushes from the gaze of incoming ducks.
In the past, you were only allowed to move to fire a shot at the last moment so as not to scare the ducks away.
Successful duck hunting thanks to the right camouflage clothing
Camouflage patterns such as Realtree MAX-4 or the new Realtree MAX-5 are specially adapted to the conditions on the water : They perfectly conceal the hunter from the ducks' gaze thanks to the three-dimensional camo pattern in the reeds and shore area.
The manufacturer advertises that ducks simply ignore this camouflage pattern and therefore do not notice the hunter.
Well camouflaged from head to fingertips
Of course, every perfect camouflage also includes the hands and face, which are disguised with camouflage gloves and face mask quick movements of these body parts.
But not only the right camo pattern is crucial. The condition of the clothing also makes duck hunting either a pleasure or an ordeal. The weather conditions prevailing in autumn place high demands on clothing. Not only rain, wind and cold have to be considered. Those who hunt ducks must also be able to react quickly.
When the ducks invade...
Often you don't even hear or see the ducks coming until they suddenly drop in in front of you.
If you are dressed too thickly here, you don't get into the attack properly or fast enough and often miss your chance. Functional clothing that offers the hunter a certain degree of freedom of movement is a must in such situations.
Lots of ducks but no cover: Successful hunting with a mobile camouflage umbrella
What do you do when the ducks invade a place that offers the hunter no cover whatsoever?
A mobile camouflage umbrella can help. We offer you a selection of different camouflage umbrella models for your conditions on site. Whether ready-made camouflage umbrella or self-made from camouflage umbrella frame and camouflage nets, in our shop you will find the right one for your needs. We will be happy to advise you on your choice!
Setting up a camouflage umbrella - what you need to bear in mind:
When setting up the camouflage umbrella, you should also cover it with local material (reeds, bushes) so that it blends in with the surroundings. Ducks are too quickly unsettled by something "new" in their environment.
The other variant is to set up the umbrella already in the chirping phase so that the ducks can get used to it that way.
The duck hunting pro relies on this accessory
1. Duck decoy
To significantly increase your chances of success, we offer a wide range of different duck decoys to attract different species of ducks. Whether the call of the drake or the quacking of the ducks when they are feeding: the different calls suggest to indecisive ducks that they are safe to fall in.
2. Decoy ducks
When hunting on large bodies of water, decoy ducks can can guide the ducks in the direction of the hunter and make them fall in. FUD decoy ducks can be used in water and on land and are very quick to set up. They impress as realistic, real decoys with special UV colours that perfectly mimic the duck's UV vision spectrum.
3. Rifle camouflage
In order not to immediately catch the eye of the well-eyed ducks,camouflage for the gun is of course also a must. This can be done easily with camo tape, for example.
4. Camouflage for the hunting dog
The four-legged hunting helper should also be camouflaged from the eyes of the ducks. Dog protection waistcoats made of neoprene are not only useful for camouflage, but also protect the dog from injuries caused by thorns, branches and from the cold on long hunting days.
If you have any questions about a particular product from our duck hunting range or if you are missing something in our shop, we will be happy to advise you .